Monday, November 06, 2006

Haggard 3

From Non-Prophet

"As Christians, we are never surprised at sin," - Rob Brendle

This is dangerous, intolerance breeding and irresponsible. No wonder some Christians writing on this blog are shocked and outraged at Ted Haggard being judged. No wonder they sound more upset by a liberal laughing at Ted's hypocrisy than they do that their Pastor was taking meth and lying to them. If Ted is going to be condemned for what he's done then he wouldn't be the only one. Criticizing Ted totally wrecks the panacea that all evangelicals of this flavor use like a drug in their own lives.

"Judge not, lest you be judged." God forbid! Who would want to have to face themselves? Who would want to be honest in front of others? God forbid I point a finger, someone might go and do the same to me! Get real people. Get humble. Get honest.

This is not Christianity. It is a mega-weird and spooky cult of the selfish.

From Denver Post

To all those people out there saying “forgive” Haggard, I have yet to read a post from one of them who believes that he has been truthful about what he really did. How can you talk about forgiveness when it is obvious to everyone that he is STILL lying about his meth USE and his homosexual ACTs? There’s an old saying that “we get the government we deserve” but maybe the same can be said about your church. Comment by T. Castle — November 6, 2006 @ 8:35 am

Why is Ted Haggard being fired for “sexually immoral conduct” and there is no mention from the overseeing commmittee about the drugs? Heck, Ted doesn’t even apologize for the purchasing of drugs (whether he used them or not it’s still illegal). So the message is… Just say “No” to gay lifestyle but say “Yes” to drugs. Is that what New Life Church is saying? Comment by Bill — November 6, 2006 @ 1:20 am