Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Clinton sleaze

ABC News: Words of War: Clinton Camp Muddies Obama's Anti-War Stance but Record Is Clear: "Last week at a Manhattan fundraiser, former President Clinton reportedly complained about The New York Times' coverage of his wife, saying the paper of record is attacking his wife because she refuses to apologize for her October 2002 vote, while, according to the former president, Obama expressed confusion back then about how he would vote had he been in the Senate at the time.

Clinton noted an excerpt from an interview Obama gave the Times in July 2004, 'What would I have done? I don't know.'

Earlier this week at a forum at Harvard University, Clinton pollster Mark Penn cited the same Times quotation.

The full context of those remarks include Obama saying that he's 'not privy to Senate intelligence reports,' and that 'what I know is that from my vantage point the case was not made.'"