Friday, November 13, 2009

book notres

The Cold War: A New History By John Lewis Gaddis

Ironly ofr Ford of the Helsinski accords -- on one hand, recognition of easrern european borders liad the ground work for the gaffe in the bebate with Carter that cost him the Presidnecy. On the other hand, the accords maing the Soviet Union recognize universal human rights laid the ground work for the insistance of human rights by its own people and its evenual demaise.

Vietnam -- The Soviet Union didn't really want to rub the US in Vietnam but was pulled into it by its Asian allies, primarily China.

Nixon in China really was a masterstroke reallignmewnt that very much took the Soviet Union by surprise and shook it up.

One of the big reasons that Tito was ablle to resist the Soviets was that the U,.S. Sixth Fleet had been reassigned to the Meditarean after WW2 to block Svviet naval expasnion beyond the Black Sea, with Turkey blocking tham at the Bosphorus.

Reagan saw that détente was meant to institutionalize the Cold War and that the end way to end the Cold War was to end détente

Reagan the Cold War subversive

The 1980's convergence of the great actors of the Cold War: Reagan, Thatcher, John Paul, Lech Walesa, followed in reaction by Gorbachev.

If Reagan had been shot successfully in '81, Bush would never have challenged detante and its institutionalization of the Cold War.