Saturday, November 25, 2006

WWII and Iraq

From Wash Post
Then, we had plans about what to do after military victory; this time, we had none. Then, we had a GI Bill of Rights for returning veterans; now, far from preparing for the problems of numerous returning wounded, Veterans Administration personnel are being cut. Then, we had higher taxes, especially on those with higher incomes; now we have lower taxes, especially for those with high incomes. Then, the president had family members in the military, one of whom died in Normandy, and his most important adviser had two sons in the war, one of whom was killed in the Marshall Islands; now, there appears to be no one in the White House with a family member in harm's way. Perhaps that is related to another difference: When our soldiers faced a new danger in Iraq, the president said "Bring ''em on"; during World War II, the president went on the radio and led the people in prayer.